My Story

You can achieve so much in life with a little love, encouragement, and courage.

I don’t normally like labels, but I recently discovered one listening to a Ted Talk that described me perfectly: a Multipotentialite! That one word felt incredibly freeing, as it somehow explained my desire to constantly learn new skills and explore different careers, from PR & Marketing to Sports Therapy and Wellbeing Coaching. So I finally accepted that, I am not a ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’, I am multifunctional, and now very happy to be so!

I have a curious and inquisitive mind and genuine love of people, so my role as a wellbeing and personal development coach and sports therapist feels like my life’s purpose. It fulfils me on such a deep level; this means my work is a happy and integral part of my life, not something that’s a means to an end. I genuinely believe that all of us can find this sense of purpose and contentment in our work and lives and I’m on a mission to inspire that in others.

Perhaps like many of you reading this, my journey has been complex, tangled, dysfunctional, painful, enlightening and more than anything, full of growth and realisations. I have not suffered unbearably, but like most of us, I have suffered and I have felt the suffering of others deeply and I now understand that this empathic pre-disposure in me has lead me to work in a way that supports others


Book some time in with me to tell me your story and how I can support you on your journey