Stretching feels wonderful when it’s done correctly. It’s a gift to one-self, an act of self-love.

So, what is Stretchologie?

Stretchologie isn’t just a fancy term for a good stretch, it’s a methodology that helps us tune in to identify areas of tension that need our attention. As a Sports Therapist, one of the most important things I tell my clients and sports enthusiasts or athletes, is ALWAYS STRETCH! It’s the one thing we should never miss and yet most people never stretch for more than a few seconds at a time. The magic only happens when we give the stretch the time it deserves and in Stretchologie, that’s exactly what we do. 

We move into stretches and explore our individual range, seeking tight fibres we can gently and slowly release with time, visualisation and breath work. 

It’s a very healing, gentle non-competitive practice. It’s designed to lower your blood pressure not raise the heart rate, so it’s mindful and composed with freer movement and good posture at the heart of it.

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 Group Studio Classes | Personal Therapist Lead Stretch Therapy | Group & One-to-One Online and In-Person Sessions

And what does it do?

It is completely adjustable to the individual with the focus more on reducing muscular tension than achieving the extreme flexibility of a dancer or gymnast! The aim is to improve your range of movement, relieve stiffness and achy joints (although quite often you will ache after, simply because you are stretching muscles that have been tight and stuck for a while) and improve posture and blood flow, which in turn improves your energy levels and helps prevent injury. 

Stretching can also reduce your blood pressure and cortisone (stress) levels so it’s not surprising it’s been rated ‘the fastest growing trend in Wellness’, although as a Stretchologist, I see it more as a way of life than a ‘trend’.

The methodology is based around techniques used by Sports Therapists and Physios so it targets individual muscles and fibres, lengthening and realigning.

Stretching feels great when it’s done correctly, with gentle guidance from experts who truly understand the physiology behind it.

In-Person | Therapist Lead  |         One-to-One

The methodology here involves hands on manipulation and release of the fascia and soft muscle tissue through pressure work and developmental stretching techniques to help the client understand areas of concern and focus. The session then includes a client specific stretch programme which is easily incorporated in to their everyday life.

Is your body crying out for a good stretch?

Are you suffering with aches and pains and restricted mobility?  I can help and you’ll be amazed at how small changes can impact your life so positively.